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Greetings and salutations

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 15:40
by Marionette
Hi everyone, I'm Mari and I guess it's nostalgia for the comics of my youth that got me interested in hunting up old copies of '70's girls' comics. But I also hate the idea of all these stories being lost, so I decided to start building a digital archive of Tammy and Jinty. Misty would be on the list too, but that's already been archived.

I must admit it was Tammy that got me thinking about this. Memories of the absurdly melodramatic tragedies of disabled and poverty stricken teens, desperately trying to excel at Olympic sports despite their nasty stepfathers and vindictive rivals have stayed with me through the years, so when I decided it might be fun to revisit them, it was a bit of a shock to realise that there were no volumes of reprints like there are of 2000AD, or any American comic you care to name. It was a case of hunting up the original comics and slowly piecing together the stories or nothing. Which just didn't seem right.

It was while I was looking up information about Tammy that I found out about Jinty. While Tammy was the tragedy comic, Jinty was science fiction themed. Who knew? Here I was, an avid reader of science fiction, completely unaware at the time that there was a comic geared to my interests. So of course I had to add that to the list.

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 15:57
by philcom55
Hi Marionette!

I quite agree that somebody ought to reprint the horrors of 'War Orphan Farm', et al. :)

It might be worth thinking about Sally as well, as this comic (which also featured a high percentage of SF strips) was very much a precursor to Tammy - and got swallowed by it only a couple of months after the latter title made it's debut.

- Phil Rushton

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 18 Aug 2012, 18:03
by Marionette
Nooooo! Don't add any more to my already lengthy shopping list.


I've just read some stuff about Princess Tina, which also looks pretty cool.

The things you miss when you are nine years old, eh?

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 01:05
by stevezodiac
Marionette I would have thought you'd have responded to the other topic re the article about Girl's comics in Saturday's Guardian. Did you see the topic and buy the paper?

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 01:30
by Marionette
Yes thanks, I saw the link and read it online. What entertaining timing.

Was there anything more in the paper?

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 01:47
by stevezodiac

Re: Greetings and salutations

Posted: 19 Aug 2012, 11:07
by DavidKW
"Sally" was a good action sci-fi comic, the only difference to Jinty was it was more upbeat & less darker & more lighthearted - but still with a gothic-ey edge.

Must say that if it had to merge "Sally" should've gone into "June" & not "Tammy", as its more upbeat stores would've fitted better into June than with Tammy's more darker fayre and, in my view would've been one of the factors and better decisions that might've rescued June.