Complete Collections

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Complete Collections

Post by jim244 »

I have many collections of different titles but hardly any are complete.
I believe the only complete collections I have are:

1) The Avengers (UK Weekly)
2) Starlord (UK Weekly,Including Annuals and Special)
3) Star Heroes Pocket Book (Uk Monthly)
4) Battlestar Galactica (USA Monthly)
5) Stingray (UK,including Specials,Annuals and 60s' Annuals (60s Annuals unrelated to comic as strip was in TV21 at the time)
6) Rampage Weekly
7)Rampage Monthly
8)Dr Who Weekly
9) Countdown
10)Star Wars Weekly
11) Future Tense
12) Valour
13) Titans (Marvel Pocket Book)
14) Forces In Combat
15) X Men (UK Weekly)
16) Mighty Thor (UK Weekly)

And SADLY :( That is all !!!
And yet really does not offer any glimpse of my actual collections,which are huge and many!
For example,I have USA Batman,Fantastic Four,Superman collections that cover many decades completely.
UK wise,ALMOST complete Astounding Stories (Alan Class);Look-In (almost) complete from 1971 - 1981;etc etc
I could go on but I don't want to hear about me,I want to hear about you!!
What complete collections does anyone have ?
Last edited by jim244 on 13 Oct 2023, 00:50, edited 5 times in total.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Adam Eterno »

Hi Jim

I too have lots of incomplete collections, including Astounding Stories. I have dozens and dozens of doubles of all of the Alan Class series, so drop me a message with a list of your missing issues and I'll see if I can help you fill some gaps.
As to complete collections....I'm a completist, so I've managed to complete quite a few over the last few decades. Here's my most recent list:
Action - 87
Avengers - 148
Battle - 664
Boys World – 89
Bullet - 147
Captain Britain 1st Series - 39
Captain Britain 2nd Series - 14
Champion (1966) - 15
Complete Fantastic Four - 37
Countdown - 58
Crunch - 54
Daredevils – 11
Doctor Who Weekly – 43
Dracula Lives - 87
Fantastic - 89
Frogman – 7
Fury – 25
Glasgow Looking Glass – Full set bound
Hulk Weekly - 58
Hurricane - 63
Jag – 48
Jet - 22
Joe 90 - 34
Lucky Charm – 30
Mighty World of Marvel - 352
Misty - 101
Once Upon a Time – 167
Planet of the Apes - 123
POW! - 86
Rampage Weekly - 34
Ranger – 48
Red Dagger - 30
Rocket - 32
Savage Sword of Conan Weekly - 18
Scream - 15
Smash - 257
Speed – 31
Spider-Man Comics Weekly - 666
Starlord - 22
Star Wars Weekly – 117
Superheroes - 50
Terrific - 43
Thunder – 22
Titans – 58
Tornado - 22
TV Action – 74
TV Century 21 - 242
Valiant - 712
Vulcan - 28
Warlord - 627
Warrior – 26
Wham - 187 (-1)
Wildcat - 13
I need 4 to complete my TV21 set as well

Picture Library complete sets

Eagle – 14
Fleetway Super Library Stupendous – 26
Fleetway Super Library Front Line – 26
Fleetway Super Library Secret Agent – 26 (-1)
Gemini 2000 – 10
Heroic Picture Library – 8
Lone Rider PL - 16
Private Eye (Pearson) – 16
Secret Agent PL (Pearson) – 22
Secret Service (MV) – 28
Starblazer - 281
Theo Drake – 7
TV Picture Stories – 57 (-1)
TV Photo Stories - 6
War at Sea – 36
Western Star – 30
Western Trail - 16

Alan Class/L Miller/T&P complete sets

Challengers of the Unknown (T&P) – 4
Forbidden Worlds - 8
Out of this World (Class #2) – 10
Outer Space – 10
Voodoo - 8
Zombie – 8

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by stevezodiac »

Going from memory I have full runs of
TV21 (new series)
Countdown (but not TV Action)
Joe 90 (1968 series - 34 issues?)
Super DC (except #14 which I'm not sure exists as I've never seen a copy)

Forever People (Kirby)
New Gods (Kirby)
Jimmy Olsen (Kirby issues)
2001 A Space Odyssey (Kirby)
E Man (Joe Staton first series)
Plus lots of short run series by my favourite artists like Gene Colan, Carmine Infantino etc and Super Powers by Jack Kirby.

I probably have more full runs but can't bring any to mind.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Adam Eterno »

stevezodiac wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 09:16
Going from memory I have full runs of
TV21 (new series)
Countdown (but not TV Action)
Joe 90 (1968 series - 34 issues?)
Super DC (except #14 which I'm not sure exists as I've never seen a copy)
Some cracking series there. I never really went for Hoot, Cracker and Buddy though as they were a little too humour based and at the time, I was too busy living the life as a student!
Super DC is a series I would love. There’s an image of #14 on GCD. G

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Kashgar »

In nearly 50 years of collecting I've managed to amass a good number of complete collections
A complete collection of Beano, including all annuals, summer specials, comic libraries and all spinoff titles is my greatest achievement I suppose. Although I do also have all of Thomsons comic titles since 1940 and need only 49 comics, missing some Dandy and Magic, for a full run of Thomson humour titles from 1937 to the present day.
Similarly I have a complete run of Thomsons boys story/ picture papers also from 1940 to the demise of Victor over 50 years later.
AP/ Fleetham complete runs include Radio Fun, Knockout, TV Fun and Buster plus Big One and
Giggle, Then I have complete runs of Lion, Tiger, Valiant, Hurricane, Ranger, Champion, Jag, Thunder, Jet and Tornado.
I also have complete runs of all the Odhams titles Wham etc.
And lots of other items I imagine I haven't called to mind.
My favourite complete collection though is a full run of Broons and Oor Wullie books which were and still are my first love.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by stevezodiac »

Adam Eterno wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 10:38
stevezodiac wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 09:16
Going from memory I have full runs of
TV21 (new series)
Countdown (but not TV Action)
Joe 90 (1968 series - 34 issues?)
Super DC (except #14 which I'm not sure exists as I've never seen a copy)
Some cracking series there. I never really went for Hoot, Cracker and Buddy though as they were a little too humour based and at the time, I was too busy living the life as a student!
Super DC is a series I would love. There’s an image of #14 on GCD. G
I had my one and only professional script published in Cracker, for Hector the Collector. One day I'll index that issue onto GCD and take pleasure in crediting myself.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by stevezodiac »

The Man from U.N.C.L.E. World adventure library series also ran for only 14 issues but getting a full run could be a problem as I put issue #14 on ebay a few years ago and it sold for £1131.00 An astonishing sum. I can only assume it wasn't distributed and is very rare.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Adam Eterno »

Kashgar wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 13:52
In nearly 50 years of collecting I've managed to amass a good number of complete collections
A complete collection of Beano, including all annuals, summer specials, comic libraries and all spinoff titles is my greatest achievement I suppose. Although I do also have all of Thomsons comic titles since 1940 and need only 49 comics, missing some Dandy and Magic, for a full run of Thomson humour titles from 1937 to the present day.
Similarly I have a complete run of Thomsons boys story/ picture papers also from 1940 to the demise of Victor over 50 years later.
AP/ Fleetham complete runs include Radio Fun, Knockout, TV Fun and Buster plus Big One and
Giggle, Then I have complete runs of Lion, Tiger, Valiant, Hurricane, Ranger, Champion, Jag, Thunder, Jet and Tornado.
I also have complete runs of all the Odhams titles Wham etc.
And lots of other items I imagine I haven't called to mind.
My favourite complete collection though is a full run of Broons and Oor Wullie books which were and still are my first love.
Wow! I full run of Beano must only exist elsewhere in the British Library! Full runs of the Big 5 must also be few and far between, let alone the AP titles. I’m only one short of all of the Oldham’s titles myself, so I know how hard they can be to find.
Thank you for sharing info on such an amazing collection.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Kashgar »

Adam Eterno wrote:
12 Oct 2023, 15:01
Kashgar wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 13:52
In nearly 50 years of collecting I've managed to amass a good number of complete collections
A complete collection of Beano, including all annuals, summer specials, comic libraries and all spinoff titles is my greatest achievement I suppose. Although I do also have all of Thomsons comic titles since 1940 and need only 49 comics, missing some Dandy and Magic, for a full run of Thomson humour titles from 1937 to the present day.
Similarly I have a complete run of Thomsons boys story/ picture papers also from 1940 to the demise of Victor over 50 years later.
AP/ Fleetham complete runs include Radio Fun, Knockout, TV Fun and Buster plus Big One and
Giggle, Then I have complete runs of Lion, Tiger, Valiant, Hurricane, Ranger, Champion, Jag, Thunder, Jet and Tornado.
I also have complete runs of all the Odhams titles Wham etc.
And lots of other items I imagine I haven't called to mind.
My favourite complete collection though is a full run of Broons and Oor Wullie books which were and still are my first love.
Wow! I full run of Beano must only exist elsewhere in the British Library! Full runs of the Big 5 must also be few and far between, let alone the AP titles. I’m only one short of all of the Oldham’s titles myself, so I know how hard they can be to find.
Thank you for sharing info on such an amazing collection.
Thanks Doug,
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been collecting and what was your initial instigation for doing so?

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Adam Eterno »

Kashgar wrote:
12 Oct 2023, 16:07
Adam Eterno wrote:
12 Oct 2023, 15:01
Kashgar wrote:
11 Oct 2023, 13:52
In nearly 50 years of collecting I've managed to amass a good number of complete collections
A complete collection of Beano, including all annuals, summer specials, comic libraries and all spinoff titles is my greatest achievement I suppose. Although I do also have all of Thomsons comic titles since 1940 and need only 49 comics, missing some Dandy and Magic, for a full run of Thomson humour titles from 1937 to the present day.
Similarly I have a complete run of Thomsons boys story/ picture papers also from 1940 to the demise of Victor over 50 years later.
AP/ Fleetham complete runs include Radio Fun, Knockout, TV Fun and Buster plus Big One and
Giggle, Then I have complete runs of Lion, Tiger, Valiant, Hurricane, Ranger, Champion, Jag, Thunder, Jet and Tornado.
I also have complete runs of all the Odhams titles Wham etc.
And lots of other items I imagine I haven't called to mind.
My favourite complete collection though is a full run of Broons and Oor Wullie books which were and still are my first love.
Wow! I full run of Beano must only exist elsewhere in the British Library! Full runs of the Big 5 must also be few and far between, let alone the AP titles. I’m only one short of all of the Oldham’s titles myself, so I know how hard they can be to find.
Thank you for sharing info on such an amazing collection.
Thanks Doug,
If you don't mind me asking, how long have you been collecting and what was your initial instigation for doing so?
I collected like mad as a young lad Ray, but a sports career of sorts, followed by 4 years in Higher education and then a fast track business career, meant they were forgotten for almost 2 decades. Then, in 2000 I bought my house and my mother gleefully turned up with 3 big boxes full of my childhood collection.
I spent hours and hours reading through them, thoroughly enjoying the memories. I then decided it would be nice to complete some of the series, so I could read the whole story. I then saw there were other comics for sale on this fairly new site called eBay, that I’d wanted to read, but couldn’t afford as a kid. I got those too. I then read recommendations on this site and others, and had people like Colin Noble, tell me that I’d love a series that I’d missed during my absent time from comics.
I’m a collector at heart, and a completist, but I’m pretty much there with my collection now and I am really just filling gaps in the 20-30 sets that I have yet to complete.
I still read them all the time. When I don’t want to do that anymore, that’s when I’ll look at selling the collection on. It will make a useful addition to my pension when I retire! As a businessman, that was always in the back of my mind too.
What about you Ray? Do you still actively collect?

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by jim244 »

First of all may I say:THANK YOU ALL...It has been absolutely wonderful to read about all of your incredibly brilliant collections and I really do thank those that have replied as I am in awe of the treasures that all of you have managed to obtain.
I also must apologise for editing my initial post tonight;reason is simple;I'm an idiot.
I did not count my SW weekly collection or DW weekly collection as number continues on both despite different titles and format,same for Countdown.
I had completely forgotten about my Rampage collections!!
Basically I wrote the post without researching my collection and still haven't,was an off the cuff memory thing.
And I would love to state that I've suddenly remembered I also have many other complete collections that you chaps have listed above but unfortunately I don't!!!!
Rampage was (so far) my only memory lapse.
I shall reply to each post in turn but is late and have to be at work by 7:30 so will save such for the weekend.
I'm absoloutely blown away by the collections everybody that replied has.
I've spoken to several collectors over the years but this is a different level.
Thank you all so much !!!

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by jim244 »

I'm a complete idiot,also forgot Future Tense ,Valour and Titans Pocket Book !!!! Sorry !!!!!

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by jim244 »

Oh......Forces In Combat,Mighty Thor Weekly,X Men Weekly.........
SORRY !!!!!!!!!!
I really need to engage brain before doing lists !!!!

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by stevezodiac »

The two titles I'd like to have complete runs of are Solo and TV Tornado, I only have about 30 of the latter and had just a handful of issues of Solo but I realised I'd never get a set so sold those few I had.

I began collecting in 1965 when a friend knocked on my door and showed me TV Century 21. He's still a friend today.

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Re: Complete Collections

Post by Adam Eterno »

stevezodiac wrote:
13 Oct 2023, 14:25
The two titles I'd like to have complete runs of are Solo and TV Tornado, I only have about 30 of the latter and had just a handful of issues of Solo but I realised I'd never get a set so sold those few I had.

I began collecting in 1965 when a friend knocked on my door and showed me TV Century 21. He's still a friend today.
I know what you mean about Solo. I only have a couple and they hardly ever show up. I do know one chap who has the majority of them, but again, he struggles to get the remainder. I still need 30 odd TV Tornados, but I hope to one day complete them.

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