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Looking for lost Dandy joke!

Posted: 02 Oct 2020, 18:14
by alkynance

If anyone has time on their hands, is locked down or just likes detective work, I am looking to identify a dandy comic from the 1970s that featured a cartoon joke of mine! Not sure my son believes me.

No idea of the year although it must have been between September 1973 and 1979. In those days you could send in a cartoon joke which might be redrawn and printed by the comic on their jokes page. My hilarious cartoon featured a football player talking to a goalkeeper whose head was sticking above the ground saying ‘ground’s a bit soft’ or words to that effect. Rubbish joke but would be fun to find it again. The cartoon would have been attributed to A.Snell or Alastair Snell.

I wouldn't know where to start but wondered if anyone with a collection from that era might?

Shot in the dark but any help much appreciated. Thanks