This section will detail all the ongoing tasks currently being undertaken at Comics UK.
22nd August 2019 - Changed Forum to V3.2.7. from V3.0.14.
August 2019 - Moved hosting company.
27th August 2012 - I am currently off work now until early 2013 and am currently overseeing the building of an extension to my house and completing a small project. The building will be finished late mid-December 2012. After that, I will commence work on this website.
2nd January 2012 - The Gallery section is complete. Will now start work on the Publishers section
26th November 2011 - Am currently uploading up to the letter 'T' into the Gallery section.
6th November 2011 - I am currently very heavily involved in a work project at the moment and it is taking up ALL of my spare time. It will hopefully be completed by 20th November, which is when I will continue adding images to the site. I still have quite a few Emails, via the Loading Bay section, to action yet, which will be my first priority when I get back on to Comics UK. Thanks to everyone who have been contributing that way, there have been some absolute gems among them - Al.
19th October 2011 - I am slowing making my way through the Emails that people have sent me regarding uploaded images and information. I have just cleared Saturday's (15th Oct). Many thanks to all who have contributed. it is very much appreciated.
9th October 2011 - At the moment I am rejoicing in the knowledge that Phase 1 (of 3) of Version 2 has finally become a reality. My next task is to tweak all the existing code and to correct any problems that visitors have highlighted.
Believe it or not, it all got a bit rushed towards the end, because I was planning on making it go-live next week (16th October 2011) but I'm also happily rejoicing in the fact that I will be starting a new job on the 10th October....thankfully. And I know I am going to be ultra busy with that for a while.
Coming Soon:
+ Publishers Section
+ Member section
+ Comicpedia Section